
Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Purchasing Chess Sets

Chess is one of the longest surviving board games that is still popular in the world. It is played between two people on a  chessboard. The chessboard is a square checkered board with sixty four squares placed in an eight by eight grid. Each player  has sixteen pieces each, which consist of one king, one queen, two rooks, two knights, two bishops and eight pawns. These  pieces are sued on the board to capture opponent’s pieces.  The game ends when one player wins the opponent’s king or queen  usually using a maneuver called checkmate.

There are world championships held for this game and this game can be played  against a computer too. The game can last from ten to sixty minutes; some people even play it over the week. There are parks  where people sit and play chess. It is touted as a brainy game and most people who play this game are quite intelligent.  Doctors say since this game keeps the brain and mind engaged, it is a good way to keep the brain active to prevent memory  loss for aged people. There are chess sets for sale at many stores and even at online stores. If Looking online simply type in buy chess sets and a  list will be generated. There are many chess sets which are collector’s items.

As this game has been played over the  centuries, there are chess sets and boards made from various cultures made from various materials. The most coveted chess  pieces and boards are those of the royal line, the kings and queens of yore. Some of their chess pieces are made from ivory  and the chess board is made from a marble slab. The craftsmanship of these pieces is exquisite and many collectors covet such  chess sets. There are even chess sets made from different types of wood and the pieces can be placed inside the wooden board  thus keeping all the pieces together to be played. Today the chess sets are made from good quality plastic, but some are also  imitations of the beautiful chess sets seen over the world. These work out to be more affordable and yet add class to the  game. There are smaller chess sets and boards that one can carry when traveling. There are even sets with magnets on the  chess pieces to keep them fixed on the board when playing chess on a moving vehicle like a train or bus. This game is fun to play  and also exercise the brain muscles.

Friday, 13 January 2012

Steps to Buy Chess Sets

No doubt that chess is one of the most popular games played around the world. The game of chess is played between two players  on a checkered board that has 64 squares inside it. The game is supposed to involve a lot of mental activity and a lot of  mental development can be ensured in anybody with the help of playing chess. The game has today become so much popular around  the world that there are even various tournaments and competitions that are organized from time to time. There are well known  players that people even idolize when they play the game. There are various homes that just like to indulge in playing the  game of chess for the enjoyment. There are various kinds of chess sets you can find available in the market and if you  thinking to buy chess sets, it is worth considering the various things you must take care.

The truth is that you can find a lot of different types of chess sets available and it is purely a matter of your budget that  you should decide well in advance. Moreover, choosing the chess sets and boards is a matter of your personality as well and  you can well reflect your personality by choosing the right chess sets for you. Just check out the various great qualities of  the chess sets and boards available to choose the best one for you. Also, there are many people who like to treasure the  chess sets for a lifetime due to their immense love and emotions attached to the game. A lot of memories get attached to your  favorite chess sets over a period of time and it is indeed worth that you get the chess sets of good quality to treasure it  in the right manner.

Moreover, there are various sizes of the chess sets and boards available in the market. There are different proportions of  the chess board and the chess pieces that you can choose. Although these are standardized for the official tournaments, but  you can choose for you as per your needs. This is purely a matter of your choice and can impact your gaming experience a lot.  Choosing the right kind of chess sets and boards is one of the critical factors in ensuring that you have a great gaming  experience that can be remembered for a lifetime. That is the reason there are various artistic pieces of chess sets also  available for you to choose. Just checking out the complete range can help you find the best chess sets for you.

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Information On Chess Sets

Everyone loves challenging their brain cells every once in a while. Besides being fun, it is a great way to keep the brain  sharp, quick, and alert, none of which is something that any of us could complain about. The human brain, with all its  massive intelligence, is just like the muscles in our body. It needs to be regularly used to remain in good working  condition. Probably out of a subconscious awareness of this fact, everyone loves a challenge every so often. Whether in the  form of a crossword puzzle or a game of the ever-popular Sudoku, everyone looks forward to the much needed brainteaser. And  one of the most efficient and effective ways of sharpening your brain cells is to play a chess game. Some chess aficionados  even go so far as to collect chess sets, as they come in a variety of beautiful materials and colors.

So what do chess sets contain? A chess set typically consists of a chess board, on which the game is played, and chess  pieces, with the help of which the game advances. Chess sets and boards can come in a beautiful and breathtaking array of  designs that vary from simple and elegant sets to elaborately intricate and abstract depictions, even extending to  sophisticatedly themed models, right down to the minutest detail. Themed sets are more collector's items than usable  commodities.

This is why, as mentioned before, some chess fans, despite having functional sets that they can use to play,  still choose to buy chess sets. Such people, like all collectors, buy chess sets just for the sake of collecting rare,  beautiful, antique, or unusual sets. Examples of unusual sets include chess sets and boards that have been themed around  pictures from Lewis Carroll's works. Modern representations have been made based on the hit TV show The Simpsons, or the  slightly older Star Trek.

Even if not themed on famous topics, chess sets can vary immensely based on their material and color. As far as material is  concerned, they can be made from wood, ivory, marble, bone, plastic, or onyx, to name a few examples. Out of these, wood  offers a huge variety all in itself. Whether using a light colored wood such as boxwood or a dark one such as ebony, rosewood  or walnut, wooden sets have an understated elegance that is hard to ignore. All in all, chess sets offer one much more than just an opportunity to have a good, intelligent game -- they can also be  possessions that one can be proud of.